Impact TB vaccination for PLHIV
Modelling to inform PPCs for TB VX for PLHIV
Modelling the health and economic impacts of M72/AS01E vaccination and BCG-revaccination: estimates for South Africa
we used a mathematical model to estimate the health impact and cost-effectiveness of M72/AS01E and BCG-revaccination in South Africa under a range of vaccine characteristics and delivery assumptions
Evidence considerations for vaccine policy development for tuberculosis vaccines intended for adults and adolescents
The ECVP facilitates early engagement and alignment across the stakeholders involved in vaccine development and those responsible for vaccine regulatory, policy, funding and country introduction decisions. This framework aims to anticipate and collectively delineate the clinical trial, observational, and other data likely to be required by global and national policymakers, and to do so when most valuable – during development of the late-stage clinical plan, including the design of the pivotal licensure trial.
A global framework to prepare for country introduction of new TB vaccines for adults and adolescents
New vaccines for the prevention of TB disease in adolescents and adults could become available in the next 3-5 years. WHO has therefore developed a Global Framework to prepare for Country Introduction of New TB Vaccines for Adults and Adolescents which aims to guide countries and global stakeholders in preparing for the introduction and scale-up in countries. This framework has been drafted in collaboration with a WHO Expert Advisory Group and in consultation with other stakeholders, and describes critical activities to prepare for introduction decision-making and subsequent implementation and impact of new TB vaccines for adults and adolescents.
The impact of alternative delivery strategies for novel tuberculosis vaccines in low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study
We estimated the impact of novel tuberculosis vaccines in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) in several delivery scenarios.
The cost and cost-effectiveness of novel tuberculosis vaccines in low- and middle-income countries: A modeling study
We assessed future costs, cost-savings, and cost-effectiveness of introducing novel TB vaccines in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) for a range of product characteristics and delivery strategies.
The potential impact of novel tuberculosis vaccines on health equity and financial protection in low-income and middle-income countries
We assessed the potential financial risk protection from introducing novel TB vaccines, and how health and economic benefits would be distributed across income quintiles.
Acceptability and effect on public and cost-effectiveness impact
Understanding the acceptability of new TB vaccines, and their impact on health, cost-effectiveness, and budget, by socio-economic and risk group, in likely early adopter and other archetype countries.