Building on the success of the recent applications of the FVVA framework, we see important new opportunities to maximize the future utility of FVVAs to country and global stakeholders and provide a proof-of-concept for analyses in other areas of disease control and prevention.
A workshop to asked high TB burden country experts about what epidemiological, impact, feasibility and acceptability data they anticipated they would need to guide TB vaccine introduction.
Vaccines will be introduced in contexts where TPT already exists. Exploration of possible study designs, expected effectiveness, feasibility of integrated approaches is key.
we used a mathematical model to estimate the health impact and cost-effectiveness of M72/AS01E and BCG-revaccination in South Africa under a range of vaccine characteristics and delivery assumptions
We assessed future costs, cost-savings, and cost-effectiveness of introducing novel TB vaccines in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) for a range of product characteristics and delivery strategies.
We assessed the potential financial risk protection from introducing novel TB vaccines, and how health and economic benefits would be distributed across income quintiles.
The aim was to provide a summary of the modeling methodology used, the characteristics of future TB vaccines explored using modeling, and the comparative epidemiological impact of such novel vaccine profiles.
We summarize the mathematical modelling literature used to inform vaccine development, focusing on models that address the epidemiologic impact of new TB vaccines. Finally,we describe the future for TB vaccines in the effort towards TB elimination