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Feasibility of novel adult tuberculosis vaccination in South Africa: a cost-effectiveness and budget impact analysis

We conducted expert interviews to identify plausible vaccination implementation strategies for the novel M72/AS01E vaccine candidate. The strategies were defined in terms of target population, coverage, vaccination schedule and delivery mode. We modelled these strategies to estimate long-term resource requirements and health benefits arising from vaccination over 2025–2050.

Mapping the existing body of knowledge on new and repurposed TB vaccine implementation: A scoping review

By synthesizing the existing body of knowledge, this review offers comprehensive insights into the current state of research on implementation of these TB adults and adolescent vaccines. Offering insights into key dimensions: (1) epidemiological impact, (2) costing, cost-effectiveness, and/or economic impact, (3) acceptability, and the (4) feasibility of implementation; this includes implementation strategies of target populations, and health system capabilities.
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